
S5.visualisation.plot_trace(hist: SSHistory, ax: Axes | None = None, set_limit=True, **kwargs) Tuple[Figure, Axes][source]#

Plots the location of the car on a time-distance graph.

This can be used in conjunction with plot_contor to show how the car is positioned in relation to clouds or period of high wind. Requires the columns ‘DateTime’ and ‘Distance(km)’ present in the DataFrame.

  • hist – History file to plot the trace.

  • ax – Optional, axes to plot the trace on.

  • set_limit – Set the axes limit only to the period where position data is present

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments to pass along to matplotlib.pyplot.plot.


A tuple of (figure, axes)


KeyError – If DateTime is not present in


>>> history = TP.SSHistory("C:/path/to/History.dat")
>>> weather = get_weather(history.filename)
>>> history.add_timestamp('20231023')
>>> weather.add_timestamp('20231023')
>>> plot_contor(
>>>     "DirectSun (W/m2)",
>>>     weather,
>>>     display_name="Direct Irradiation (W/m²)",
>>>     cmap="inferno",
>>>     ax=ax[0],
>>> )
>>> plot_trace(hist=history, ax=ax[0], lw=2)