
S5.HPC.SolarSim.vel_sweep_par(vel_list: List[str | PathLike], executable_location: str | PathLike = '../SolarSim.X', n_jobs: int = 2) None[source]#

Performs a constant velocity sweep in parallel.

  • vel_list – List of floats containing the velocities to run at.

  • executable_location – Path to SolarSim to execute.

  • n_jobs – Number of SolarSims to run in parallel, if less than 16 cpu (non-HPC) it will default to number of cpu - 2, else it will be the number of cpu available.



See also

S5.HPC.SolarSim.vel_sweep : Run this function in series. S5.HPC.SolarSim.read_vel_sweep : Read the results of a velocity sweep.