
Create SolarSim weather file from era5-land grib files.

The core functionality of reading era5 grib files are here, but do note that this is not tested extensively. Solar irradiance were not in direct and diffuse radiation, so until there is a good way to convert them to direct and diffuse irradiance it might only be useful for generating EV weather files where solar irradiance data is not needed.

See also

S5.Weather.solcast_historic for historic data with direct and diffuse irradiation.



Converts the cumulative surface net solar radiation (ssr) to the hourly ssr.

era5_spot(dataset[, start_date, end_date, ...])

Extract data from era5 grib file for a single spot in space.

extract_df(ds, latitude, longitude, ...)

Extract subset of data from grib file through xarray as a pandas dataframe.

from_era5(stationfile, gribfile, start_date, ...)

Create solarsim weather file from era5 grib files.


Temporary implementation to convert surface net solar radiation (ssr) to direct and diffuse.