
S5.Weather.readgrib.era5_spot(dataset: Dataset, start_date: datetime | None = None, end_date: datetime | None = None, latitude: float = 54.766776, longitude: float = 358.430261, elevation: float = 0, distance: float = 0)[source]#

Extract data from era5 grib file for a single spot in space.

Wind direction, wind velocity, temperature, and pressure are extracted from the grib file. The azimuth and elevation are calculated using pvlib.solarposition.

  • dataset – xarray dataset with the grib file opened.

  • start_date – Start date and time with timezone.

  • end_date – End date and time with timezone.

  • latitude – Latitude of the location in decimal degrees.

  • longitude – Longitude of the location in decimal degrees

  • elevation – Elevation of the spot in meters

  • distance – Distance along the route.


A pandas dataframe with the weather data.


IndexError – When the start or end date are outside of the available data in the grib file