Source code for S5.tests.test_weather

import os
import re

import pandas as pd

from S5.Weather import to_csv, to_parquet

[docs]def test_to_parquet(caplog, tmp_path): df = pd.DataFrame([400, 500, 600], columns=['Col']) to_parquet("Name", df, tmp_path) folder_content = os.listdir(tmp_path) empty_df = pd.DataFrame() to_parquet("Name2", empty_df, tmp_path) # Check if there is only one file made assert len(folder_content) == 1 # Check the filename is in the right format assert re.fullmatch("Forecast[0-9]{12}Name.parquet", folder_content[0]) # Check the warning was logged assert "Dataframe is empty, skip exporting to parquet." in caplog.text
[docs]def test_to_csv(caplog, tmp_path): df = pd.DataFrame([400, 500, 600], columns=['Col']) to_csv("Name", df, tmp_path) folder_content = os.listdir(tmp_path) empty_df = pd.DataFrame() to_csv("Name2", empty_df, tmp_path) # Check if there is only one file made assert len(folder_content) == 1 # Check the filename is in the right format assert re.fullmatch(r"Forecast[0-9]{12}Name.csv", folder_content[0]) # Check the warning was logged assert "Dataframe is empty, skip exporting to csv." in caplog.text